Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Origins of Beer Quest!

Greetings everyone and welcome to Beer Quest! Some of you are very familiar with this show and some of you are probably just discovering it now. Allow us to spare some words on who we are and how Beer Quest came to be.

Not long ago, in a bar in the humble land of Brooklyn, Jonathan LaPearl and Kieran Valla were enjoying some beer, lamenting over their long days of toiling labor. It was on this wintry night that Jonathan and Kieran looked into their frosty mugs and an idea began to flicker. That idea was to get another beer. Then-another flicker came, so simple, so obvious, and so perfect.

It occurred to them the solution to their quandary was a show of an epic journey; one man’s quest to find the world’s greatest beers and the wonderful people behind these brews.

It was to be a show of a man, a host, with love in his heart and a dream of travel and revelry; a show that can be fun and humorous while giving the story behind the beer.

Inspired, Jon and Kieran set out immediately to fulfill their destinies – after one more round, of course.

They began writing up outlines and plans, immersing themselves in the brewing community, and engaging in lots and lots of direct research. Soon they found a host too, a perfect beer soul mate in the form of the one and only Steve LaChioma. Possessing a quick wit and great thirst, Jon and Kieran knew he was the man sent forth on this most refreshing of pursuits.

Putting hearts, souls and wallets into the project, Jon and Kieran set forth. Through hard work and amazing help from their friends, Jon and Kieran saw their dreams come alive on camera. Deep in their computers editing now, they know that, like brewing a rich and chocolaty stout or a crisp and refreshing pilsner, they are making something special to share with the world.

For Beer Quest is not just a show about beer. It is about passion, ambition and the American Dream. It is the story of every brewer who had a vision to make something better than your run-of-the-mill watery swill. It is the story of those who put everything on the line to make something special and unique, a work of art in liquid form. It is for those who come together with friend and stranger alike to enjoy life at it’s fullest.

Together with all of you, this is our dream, our love, our Beer Quest.

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